
評分3.7(3)WPAvatarisaWordPressplugindesignedtosimplifytheprocessofmanaginguseravatarsonyoursite.Itenablesuserstouseanyphotouploadedinto ...,CreateaglobalavatarandprofileimagewithGravatar.Getafreeone-pagepersonalsitetoshowcaseyouridentityandconnectacrosstheweb.,評分4.7(41)·免費外掛說明·在網站前端頁面新增上傳個人頭像的欄位及編輯個人資料的頁面,讓使用者可以新增自訂個人頭像。·SeamlesslyMigratefrom...

WP Avatar

評分 3.7 (3) WP Avatar is a WordPress plugin designed to simplify the process of managing user avatars on your site. It enables users to use any photo uploaded into ...


Create a global avatar and profile image with Gravatar. Get a free one-page personal site to showcase your identity and connect across the web.

Basic User Avatars – WordPress 外掛

評分 4.7 (41) · 免費 外掛說明 · 在網站前端頁面新增上傳個人頭像的欄位及編輯個人資料的頁面,讓使用者可以新增自訂個人頭像。 · Seamlessly Migrate from WP User Avatar Plugin.


使用WordPress 媒體庫的圖片作為使用者自訂個人頭像,也能新增專屬預設個人頭像。WP User Avatar 2.2.16 的分支開發版本。 One Designs 啟用安裝數: 90,000+ 保證相容 ...

How to get user avatar in WordPress with code

This article will guide you through the steps of adding user avatars to WordPress with a few simple lines of code.



Avatar 外掛程式

使用WordPress 媒體庫的圖片作為使用者自訂個人頭像,也能新增專屬預設個人頭像。WP User Avatar 2.2.16 的分支開發版本。

How to Change the Default WordPress Avatar

In the dashboard, go to Settings, Discussion, and scroll down to Avatars. Make sure Show Avatars is checked. Here you have seven built-in ...

How To Change The #WordPress Profile Avatar Easily

Have you ever tried to change your WordPress Profile Avatar just to find out that it cannot be changed? If you are, well then this article ...